Since the events of my last post transpired, less than 3 weeks ago, my son has made sure I'm not getting any breaks in the "being the mother of a 2 year old boy" department...
9 days after the truck incident, we were putting up a ceiling fan in the other back bedroom next to Tyler's. Since we moved in, there has been a simple flush mount fixture in there just to light the room. Well, we took down the old fixture and momentarily set it on the floor next to us. Within a minute or two, I hear my son smacking his lips together like he just tasted the best thing of his life...
At first I panicked because I knew there were a few small pieces from that fixture on the floor and I was sure he'd eaten one. After a few seconds of checking everything and noticing all the pieces were still intact, Tyler says "Mmmm...All Gone!" with his hands held out on both sides. He'd eaten the dead bug that somehow had crawled into the flush mount fixture...
Fast forward approximately 12 hours.
Sunday morning. We'd had breakfast and were starting to get ready for church. Hubby was in the shower, I was starting to get myself ready and decided to break to go get Tyler dressed for church before I continued on myself...
I walk out of my bedroom to the kitchen/living room where he is supposed to be watching Barney, and find this.
Yes that is my wonderful little boy, proudly standing on top of the kitchen table.
Fast forward another 7 days.
Sunday morning again. General Conference. We have all of hubby's siblings over to watch with us except the youngest. Tyler is back in his room playing with his aunt while the rest of us are sitting in the living room watching Conference. They start down the hall, and he apparently tripped over nothing (didn't hear him hit the wall or anything, and there were no toys in the hall) and started screaming.
I knew something had to be wrong because this kid has slammed his head into walls and who knows what else tons of times and never makes a peep. He trips all the time. He's 19 months old...
It took me a good 2 or 3 minutes to console him and when I put him down to let him go back to play, he nearly collapsed and started crying again.
He was unable to stand, let alone walk, the rest of the day. I was worried, but didn't know if it was just a bad sprain that I should just keep wrapped and not pay a Dr. $90 to tell me the same thing. Or if it was something bigger that needed a little more in depth treatment. All I knew was that my busy 19 month old sat on the couch watching TV for 4 or 5 hours by his own free will because of the pain walking and even standing was causing him...
I wrapped his foot/ankle in an Ace bandage for the night and decided to see how it was in the morning.
Today he was at least able to limp around on his foot, and seemed to do fine standing. But when I finally un-wrapped his foot and saw some slight bruising and him continuing to walk on the outside of his foot, I decided we should probably just take him in. Even if it was for my own piece of mind.
We drove to Urgent Care and after a fairly thorough examination it was ruled that it was almost surely a stress fracture in the metatarsals (bone(s) of the foot). X-rays normally don't show stress (hairline) fractures because they are so small. Plus there isn't really anything special as far as treatment goes.
So, we are to keep it wrapped for the next few days and keep an eye on him. If it isn't significantly better by the end of the week, we have a work order for some x-rays.
I really am going to have grey hairs, from my 1 child, by the time I'm 25...
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I'm right there with ya! I really truly do have grey hairs already. :(